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#1 Red_Flag



  • Dragon Knight
  • 1 303 сообщений
  • Эпоха:Heroes 3, Heroes 5
  • Фракция:Маги

Отправлено 28 Август 2014 - 09:42

Миф о создании


Рожденное Абсолютной Пустотой, Космическое Яйцо явилось из небытия и произвело из недр своих близнецов Драконов Порядка и Хаоса. Асха, Первородный Дракон Порядка, создала мир придав ему форму и черты в соответствии со своим замыслом. Затем она вдохнула жизнь в Драконов Стихий, для того, чтобы они властвовали в новом мире и управляли им. «Старшие» - смертные расы были созданы как «слуги Драконов Богов» и населили землю. Каждая из рас определила свое дарование и выбрала себе покровителя:


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• Лучезарные Ангелы выбрали Эльрата, Дракона Света.

• Таинственные Безликие выбрали Малассу, Дракона Тьмы.

• Спокойные и созерцательные Эльфы выбрали Силанну, Дракона Земли.

• Гордые и непреклонные Гномы выбрали Арката, Дракона Огня.

• Мудрые рептилии Наги выбрали Схалассу, Дракона Воды.

• Любознательные и неугомонные Люди выбирали последними и избрали Силата, Дракона Воздуха.


Затаивший зависть Ургаш, Первородный Дракон Хаоса создал шесть Владык Демонов, в попытке превзойти деяния своей сестры.


Мифическая Эпоха заканчивается всеобъемлющей войной между Первородными Близнецами, которые жестоко сражались на всех уровнях реальности. Дракон Хаоса оказался повержен, но не уничтожен. Он был заточен в огненных недрах планеты, и его ужасные отпрыски периодически вырываются в материальный мир, принося смерть и разрушение всему живому. Дракон Порядка жестоко пострадавший в конфликте, укрылся где-то в пределах луны, чтобы со временем восстановить силы и былое могущество.

дальнейший перевод пока отсутствует... 


Оригинальный текст:

Ashan - a new beginning

Heroes 5 brings us to a new universe... away from Erathia,the old story, and the heroes we used to love. This is a new world you are all playing in, with new protagonists, and new destinies. But in order to understand the future we're fighting for, we should learn more about the past. So here it goes:


The Myth of Creation

Born from the Void, the Cosmic egg appears and hatches, freeing the twin Dragons of Order and Chaos. ASHA, the Primordial Dragon of Order creates the world by giving it shape and purpose. She then gives birth to the Elemental Dragons who are destined to guide and rule her creation. The mortal races are created as “servants of the Dragon Gods”, and placed upon the earth. Each chooses its gift and its patron.

The radiant Angels choose ELRATH, the Dragon of Light.

The mysterious Faceless choose MALASSA, the Dragon of Shadow.

The quiet and meditative Elves choose SYLANNA, the Dragon of Earth.

The proud and sturdy Dwarves choose ARKATH, the Dragon of Fire.

The wise reptilian Nagas choose SHALASSA, the Dragon of Water.

The curious, restless Humans choose last and select SYLATH, the Dragon of Air.

Smouldering with jealousy, URGASH, the Primordial Dragon of Chaos creates the Demons in an attempt to surpass his sister's achievements. Six Demon Overlords, twisted mirrors of the Elemental Dragons, will rule his unruly, vicious offsprings...


The dragons

In the new Might & Magic universe, Dragons are not mere “gigantic winged fire-breathing reptiles,” but they are Ashan’s primordial gods and the embodiment of magic. The natives of Ashan are aware of the Dragons’ existence and hold them in respect, if not always in awe. Oaths are sworn on them, and their presence infiltrates everyday conversation. An elite and secretive cast of “mystic warriors” known as the “Dragon Knights” have attuned themselves to the legendary beasts. They borrow their magic powers from the dragons’ own innate abilities (flying, fire-breathing, immunity to mundane weapons, etc.). They can ride dragons. Some say they can even shapechange into dragons! These days, only the lesser dragons walk in Ashan. The Elder dragons wait in the Spirit Realm, accepting worship and awaiting the day they can return. Dragons are like the “Force” in Star Wars and the Dragon Knights are like the Jedi Knights.


The primordial dragons ASHA, The Dragon of ORDER

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She is the creator goddess, the mother of Time and Space, the triple-faced figure of birth, life and death. She brought the world into existence, and then hatched the six Elemental dragons to rule over it. She controls the fates of all mortal creatures – she spins forth their destiny at birth, measures it through their life, and cuts it at their death. Asha is carefully neutral. She does not show favor to good men or evil men, dwarves, elves or orcs. All the universe is her creation. However, she is diametrically opposed to the Chaos principle embodied by her insane twin brother and his demented children, the Demons. Legend holds that after the Wars of Creation, Asha retired to a safe refuge within the moon, there to sleep, heal and dream. Asha is not worshipped directly. She is above such things. But she is served by the Silent Sisters and the Blind Brothers, who throughout the world, help the women give birth, perform auguries and supervise funeral rites. Note: The Necromancers (Necropolis faction) have chosen Asha as their patron-deity. However, their vision of her powers and attributes is twisted, a perversion of her death-dealing nature.


URGASH, The Dragon of CHAOS

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The Dragon of Chaos is “raw untamed potential”, primordial chaos in its inexhaustible energy and infinite variety of forms. He is ravenous and insatiable, the “snake that eats its own tail”. He is the Father of wanton Destruction, of frantic Mutation, of rampant Madness. He is also the father of the Demons. He is long banished to slumber at Ashan’s core, but the Demons linger, and still strive to carry out his desires.


The elemental dragons ELRATH, The Dragon of LIGHT

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The golden Dragon of Light is worshipped as the Sun God and the patron of (legitimate) Authority, Truth, Honor and Justice. His servants seek to illuminate dark places, conquer evil, and celebrate individual valor and heroism. He used to be worshipped by his servants the Angels, but they were almost exterminated during the Demons’ First Coming. Now, Elrath is the patron deity of the Holy Griffin Empire (Haven faction).


ARKATH, The Dragon of FIRE

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The bronze-red dragon Fire is rash, hasty, and ill-tempered. Selfish and hot-headed, ferocious in combat, he is ruled by his passions and impulses. He is mostly worshipped by the thrillseekers, of those who see life as a constant struggle and burn it at both ends, but also of those who, like the blacksmiths, shed their sweat and blood as offering to the fire. Arkath is the patron deity of the Dwarves.


SYLATH, The Dragon of AIR

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The silvery-white dragon of Air is the keeper of secrets, for he sees all and hears all. However, he is frivolous (“flighty”) and impetuous. He values quick thinking and spontaneity, but also useless complexity, which sometimes leaves him frustrated and condescending toward his older siblings, who just don’t “get it”. He is mostly worshipped by travellers, bards, spies, but also mummers, courtiers, rakes and thieves, and even some wizards (for his extensive arcane knowledge but also his tendency to make even the simpler facts appear “hermetic”). He is the patron deity of the Humans (the youngest race, as he is the youngest dragon) but has been supplanted by his elder brother Elrath, the Dragon of Light, in the Holy Griffin Empire. Sylath is still very popular among the Northern Barbarian tribes and Eastern Free Cities however (not united enough to form a faction).



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The black Dragon of Darkness is the Faceless foe, the Slithering Shadow with a hundred faces and a thousand whispers. Darkness is utterly unpredictable. Her “logic” defies mortal reason. She can save one day and kill the next, laugh and cry within a matter of seconds, be alternatively cruel and comforting, etc. Darkness is a fickle and dangerous master. Darkness may seem mad, but she knows. Yes, she knows, for shadow has always been here and there, watching you from close or afar, drinking your words and screams, and in her abyssal womb, lie all the forgotten memories and the buried secrets of the past. Malassa is mostly worshipped by madmen and doomsayers, fearless spies and assassins. She used to be the patron deity of the mysterious Faceless but they all disappeared centuries ago and now, she has made a sinister pact with the Dark Elves (Dungeon faction).


SYLANNA, The Dragon of EARTH

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The green Dragon of Earth is the stolid, slow, even-tempered one among the Elemental Dragons. Earth acts only after long deliberation and study. Earth is very peaceful and cautious and often serves as a peacemaker among her siblings. She is Nature’s warden, being very fond of the plants, animals and living rocks that grow “on her back”, and the only way to wake her wrath is to destroy or defile her sacred groves and stone circles. Sylanna is worshipped by druids, rangers, hunters, farmers and herders, but also by wood and stone carvers. She is the patron-deity of the Elves (Sylvan faction).



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The blue Dragon of Water is humble, quiet and secretive. She is the serene mystic, wisest of the dragons, and her knowledge is only second to her sister Malassa, the Dragon of Shadow, for her watery realm is ripe with forgotten lore and treasure. In all things, she values diplomacy, versatility and adaptability. Yet, if she decides to act, she is swift and indomitable. You cannot hope to win when you are fighting the waves… Shalassa is worshipped by the sailors, fishermen and pirates, but also by the prophets, hermits and wisemen. She is the patron-deity of the Nagas.

#2 Red_Flag



  • Dragon Knight
  • 1 303 сообщений
  • Эпоха:Heroes 3, Heroes 5
  • Фракция:Маги

Отправлено 03 Сентябрь 2014 - 20:05

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