, Июл 04 2023 13:36
- Владелец: Red_Flag (Показать все публикации)
- Загружено: Июл 04 2023 13:36
- Просмотров 355
- Альбом: Концепт-арт
A spiritual successor, from the lead game designer of Heroes of Might and Magic III.
Cultists have chosen to compromise their humanity for short-term arcane empowerment. This self-destructive path of darkness and corruption gives them exceptional arcane skills, and the ability to assault Enemy Troop Divisions from a distance. Utilizing an 'arcane heart', pulled from their own bodies, the assault from Cultists may cause Enemy Troops to explosively 'combust' and injure other nearby Enemy Troops. Additionally, upon death, Cultists themselves will occasionally 'combust', creating an explosive effect harming nearby Enemy Troop Divisions. This unique trait not only makes Cultists risky to assault in hand-to-hand melee combat, but it also makes them a tempting target to sacrifice for tactical advantage.
Обсуждение игры на нашем форуме http://www.might-and...ogo-gejmdizajn/