Elven Centaur
, Апр 26 2022 12:41
- Владелец: Red_Flag (Показать все публикации)
- Загружено: Апр 26 2022 12:41
- Просмотров 741
- Альбом: Концепт-арт
A spiritual successor, from the lead game designer of Heroes of Might and Magic III.
While the Elven Centaur is the Thornwood’s only true ‘heavy’ Troop, it is relatively fast and agile when compared to other ‘heavies’ from other factions. Wielding a two-handed axe, this Troop has a Killer Instinct and a Slayer’s Instinct, and frequently chains together multiple Assaults before an Enemy can Retaliate. With high Luck and high Morale, the Elven Centaur’s ‘instincts’ can be surprisingly powerful.
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