Heroes 7 - Концепт-арт (Haven)
Другие альбомы Red_Flag
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PIC creature haven crossbowman artwork large
Common soldiers as well as knights fear the Crossbowmen...
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PIC creature haven crossbowman Upg artwork large
Marksmen have become masters of the crossbow and learned h...
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PIC creature haven direwolf artwork large
Dire Wolf
In the Holy Empire, Dire Wolves are among the most feared...
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PIC creature haven direwolf Upg artwork large
Decades of breeding have produced the Silverbacks, a var...
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PIC creature haven sentinel artwork large
The Imperial Sentinels form the backbone of the Empire’s m...
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PIC creature haven sentinel Upg artwork large
Handpicked from the ranks of the Imperial Guard, the Le...
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PIC creature haven cavalier artwork large
The Cavaliers are the shock troops of the Holy Empire. Mou...
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PIC creature haven cavalier Upg artwork large
Nothing holds greater fear for infantry troops than a Cu...
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PIC creature haven chaplain artwork large
Chaplains are battle-priests of Elrath. They fight fiercel...
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PIC creature haven chaplain Upg artwork large
Abbots are veteran battle-priests that distinguished themselv...
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PIC creature haven guardian artwork large
Guardians of the Faith have always been part of the Empire...
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PIC creature haven guardian Upg artwork large
Afraid of no man nor Demon, the Justicars are always found...
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PIC creature haven landsknecht artwork large
Landsknechte first appeared in the Wolf Duchy, and thei...
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PIC creature haven landsknecht Upg artwork large
Only the biggest, toughest, most resilient of Landsknec...
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PIC creature haven seraph artwork large
Physically imposing and striking in their perfection, the An...
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PIC creature haven seraph Upg artwork large
Celestials are champions among the Seraphim. It is no coi...
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PIC creature haven sister artwork large
The Sisters of Elrath are devoted to the worship of the Drag...
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PIC creature haven ballista artwork large
Often described by common folk as the “big crossbows”, bal...
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PIC creature haven catapult artwork large
Catapults have been one the main siege engines since the d...
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